Join an Exclusive Group of Northwest Arkansas Contractors, Builders & Craftsmen to Share, Learn & Grow
What We Are Not:
A Networking Group
A Referral Group
A Connections Group
What We Are:
A Mastermind Group Reserved Exclusively for Contractors in NWA
A Group of Like-minded Men & Women who Support, Motivate & Educate Each Other
A Think Tank When One of Our Members Has an Issue They Can’t Solve Alone
An Accountability Group That Expects Each of Us to Bring Our Best Every Day
A Support Group When One of Our Members Needs Encouragement to Keep Going
A Group of Close Friends Who Love Contracting, Hard Work & Success
Do you ever feel isolated while running your business?
The concept of a Mastermind Group was coined in 1925 by author Napoleon Hill in his book The Law of Success, and described in more detail in his 1937 book Think and Grow Rich. Countless business leaders today use this strategy to harness the wisdom and experiences of their peers. If you want to shave years off your business learning curve, a Mastermind Group is exactly what you need!
A Mastermind Group is a peer-to-peer mentoring group used to help members solve their problems with input and advice from the other group members. Our groups are comprised of members from all contracting industries, from landscaping and roofing to asphalt and plumbing. No matter which service you provide, the challenges facing all contractors are very similar.
Joining the NWA TRADES HUB is like having an objective board of directors, a success team and a peer advisory group — all rolled into one. Here are some of the benefits of joining a Mastermind Group:
1. ACCUMULATED EXPERIENCE - Maybe you are struggling with a super-talented employee who also happens to be a constant distraction in your business and you're not sure how to handle the situation. Chances are that several members of your group have already solved that problem and could give you some solid advice.
2. CAMARADERIE AND SUPPORT - The life of a business leader is often a very lonely one. Your Mastermind Group is a unique gathering of like-minded individuals who understand the road you're on and the daily struggles you face. They'll be the first ones to pick you up and dust you off when you stumble. They WILL NOT let you fail!
3. UNIQUE PERSPECTIVES - As contractors we all generally do the same thing...we hire hourly employees, teach them a skill, put them in a truck, send them down the road and pray that they perform well and bring the truck back in one piece (with ALL of your tools)! However, since each group is comprised of members from disparate trades, the opportunity to glean unique insights and experiences is ever-present and yours for the taking.
4. MOTIVATION - Running a business isn't always fun and games. Let's be honest...sometimes it plain kicks your ass! That's why it's so important to meet regularly with a group of like-minded people who inspire and motivate you to keep pushing forward. The monthly meetings are the perfect opportunity to recharge and reset, ready to face whatever comes your way.
5. ACCOUNTABILITY - As a business owner you are essentially responsible to nobody but yourself. There really is no one to hold you accountable for getting things done. That all changes when you join a Mastermind Group. At the end of every monthly meeting each member states their goals for the coming month. The last thing you want to do is walk into next month's meeting and tell your peers that you goofed off, got distracted, etc. and didn't hit at least the majority of your goals.
1. MEMBERS FROM DIFFERENT INDUSTRIES - If you're a plumber, you'll be the only plumber in your Mastermind Group. The only way you'll feel confident in sharing intimate details about yourself and your business is if your competition isn't sitting at the other end of the table.
2. MONTHLY MEETINGS - Specific in-person and virtual meeting times are unique to each group, but all groups meet once monthly. More information is available after your application is received.
2. FACILITATOR-LED - Each group is led by a veteran of the contracting industry. Their role is to guide the group and ensure that the agenda stays on track. They are not there to teach or lecture, though they may have insight on some points that is helpful to the group.
4. COMMITMENT - For the groups to be as effective as possible, all members are expected to attend every monthly meeting. If attendance is sporadic or inconsistent there will be subpar results. It's not really fair to other members if one or two don't attend regularly.
5. ABSOLUTE DISCRETION - All members are required to sign nondisclosure agreements before they attend their first meeting. A Mastermind Group meeting is a safe place where you can share intimate details about your employees, business, competition, trade secrets, personal life and more.
6. MEMBERSHIP DUES - Quarterly dues are charged for membership in the groups. More information is available in the info packet & application.
7. LET'S EAT - A meal, drinks and snacks are provided at all in-person meetings.

Unique Benefits of Membership
Successful Members Exhibit These Four Traits:
Goal-oriented with an internal drive to grow your company and make it a huge success
Willing to share openly and help others succeed also
Open to receiving constructive feedback and insight from others
Desire to run an ethical business and be a positive role model to others
The NWA Trades Hub Advantage
Get your decisions vetted by an ideal sounding board — an objective, experienced peer group who will offer unbiased advice in a confidential environment.
Learn best practices on building an empowered, results-driven team. Find and fix blind spots to enhance your leadership ability.
Get access to models of success and expert advice to help you retool your long-term strategy without sacrificing current performance.
Gain fresh perspectives on complex issues to optimize business decisions and results. Move forward with confidence!